Life at NHP

Choosing a school for your child is a huge emotional investment. It will shape their future and as parents we want to get it right!


For ease of reference, we have listed some key facts about life at NHP but nothing beats a visit!

NHP is non-selective

We do not assess pupils academically prior to entry into Reception and we are mixed ability throughout the school. Children who join us after Reception are invited to join us for a taster day prior to offers being made, to ensure that they will love being part of the school community.

NHP is co-educational

We believe in boys and girls being educated alongside each other and the benefits that this brings to everyone.

NHP believes in building firm foundations

We work with parents to identify a list of ideal senior schools for your child’s next step either at 11+ (Year 6) or 13+ (Year 8). We do not prepare children for the 7+ or 8+ exams, favouring firm foundations and a breadth of opportunity over exam technique in the early years of education.

NHP has a considered informal style

Starting a school from scratch has allowed us to design a learning environment that is built upon the best research and practice from education, past and present. NHP has a progressive spirit underpinned by traditional values such as the importance of a strong moral compass and a determination to work hard and be the best that you can be. We have high academic expectations but also recognise fully the importance of childhood.

NHP has a very strong sense of community

Working in partnership with our parent body and building strong relationships with the local community are fundamental to our approach.

NHP is a split-site school

The children will journey through three purpose-built buildings during their time here, each with their own distinct character and atmosphere. Pupils transition from the Old Building (Lower School – Reception to Year 2) to the Jane Cameron Building (Middle School – Year 3 to 5) and on into the Portobello Green Building (Upper School – Year 6 to 8).

Staying connected

House system

In order to strengthen the sense of community and generate a healthy understanding of competition the pupils are divided into four houses: Arundel, Blenheim, Elgin and Lansdowne. Children are assigned to a house from Reception and members of a family join the same house. Each house has a pupil House Captain and a member of staff Head of House.

House meetings and inter-house sports competitions are held throughout each term and each pupil strives to gain valuable house points for good behaviour and/or work for the highly coveted annual House Cup. Charity events and fundraisers are organised by the children under the guidance of the Head of House.

Pupil voice

To make sure the children feel heard at every stage of their time with us, we give as many opportunities as possible to our pupils to undertake leadership roles within the school. Some examples of these include: School Council representatives, House Captains, Sports Captains, Ambassadors, Kindness Monitors, Playground Buddies, Prefects and Head Pupil/s.

These roles keep the children connected, help build confidence, resilience, teamwork and understanding of others, as well as teaching the Fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance.

A note from our Pupil Voice Lead

The new team of Pupil Council representatives has been assembled (with their shiny new badges) and we have already begun responding to the suggestions from our classmates. You asked for brand new football goals- we have given you brand new football goals! Hooray!

I am incredibly excited to work with such a fantastic group of children this year. We are meeting regularly to ensure that the pupil voice is heard, loud and clear. Our next meetings will take place during the first week of December.

-Miss Pardoe (Pupil Voice Lead)

To get a better sense of the school and its facilities, please take a virtual tour by clicking on the button below.


Virtual Tour