Extra Curricular
Art and Design Technology
The school has two dedicated art rooms in the Lower and Upper School. From Year 4 the children take art and design in a bright, industrial, bespoke state of the art facility with a full design and technology function, sewing machines for textiles work and an in-house kiln for ceramics.
The children explore a wide range of materials, experiment with a variety of techniques and acquire practical skills. They are introduced to artists of different periods and styles as a means of developing their aesthetic appreciation and mastering their own approach.
As they acquire skills and knowledge they will develop the confidence to express their own creativity and individuality through their art, craft and design. The artistic endeavours of the pupils are celebrated in displays around the school, in end-of-term shows and exhibitions and through participation in competitions.
Gifted artists will be supported to apply for art scholarships at their chosen Senior School. Past successes have included art scholarships to Brighton College, Francis Holland: NW1 , Marlborough College and Queen’s College.