School Structure
NHP is a split-site school
Pupils transition from the Old Building (Lower School – Reception to Year 2) to the Jane Cameron Building (Middle School – Year 3 to 5) and on into the Portobello Green Building (Upper School – Year 6 to 8), before exiting to their chosen senior schools at either 11+ (Year 6) or 13+ (Year 8).
To get a better sense of the school and its facilities, please take a virtual tour by clicking on the link below.
Staying connected
House system
House meetings and inter-house sports competitions are held throughout each term and each pupil strives to gain valuable house points for good behaviour and/or work for the highly coveted annual House Cup. Charity events and fundraisers are organised by the children under the guidance of the Head of House.
Pupil voice
These roles keep the children connected, help build confidence, resilience, team work and understanding of others, as well as teaching the Fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance.