Take One Picture
NHP are, once again, joining the National Gallery to celebrate, explore, discuss and create around their chosen picture. This year the painting selected for schools is Henri Rousseau’s Surprise!
On Wednesday, the children started their Take One Picture adventure.
First, the children listened to a soundscape and were asked to write down everything that came to mind when listening to create the atmosphere.
Then, they were shown snippets of the image taken out of context and challenged to work out what they thought the picture was of.
Finally, they were asked to guess the picture’s title when it was revealed in its entirety.
Mr Ashmole, Miss Chute and Miss Nichols then led each building through a giant Philosophy for Children (P4C) lesson around the painting to generate some thoughtful ‘big questions’. We will then use these questions to create future discussions and, most importantly, art sessions leading to another wonderful NHP art exhibition in the summer term.
Some wonderful philosophers emerged in each session – Well done, NHP!