Year 5 Netball Tournament
On Thursday 10th November the Year 5 travelled to Ravenscourt Park to play in a netball tournament against seven other schools. For some pupils this was the first time they had ever participated in a tournament. There were 3 different competitions: the Championship, the Shield and, the Plate. Notting Hill Prep took four teams; entering two teams into the Plate competition which meant NHP Storm and NHP Stars played each other in a close-fought game.
The pupils had the opportunity to practice their versatility throughout the afternoon by playing a variety of different positions on the court. Even under the pressure of a tournament, they took this in their stride and demonstrated great determination and resilience. We came away with a bronze medal in the Plate competition and a silver medal in the Shield competition.
Overall, it was a fantastic afternoon of netball for all of the Year 5 pupils involved. They should all be very proud, well done!